Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Ukrainian soldier after warning: 'Russian warship, go f*** yourself'

What is difference between "Russky korabl" (Русский корабль) and "Rossiyskiy korabl" (Российский корабль) in Russian language?

I have a little bit of a doubt that the record is real because I would wait from Russian ship commander a calling: "Rossiysky korabl", not "Russky korabl". There is Russian language, Russian literature, Russian poetry, but there is no of Russian ship or "Russky" ship, only "Rossiysky", isn't it? Russian army is called "Rossiyskaya Army" because Russian state in Russian is called "Rossiya", not a "Rus". So there is no "Russky korabl". But I don't know exactly tradition in the maritime calling, so maybe it was actually "Russky Korabl" or maybe not? In all, just in case I have written here that it may be a fake done by a Ukrainian film studio.
But despite that, I mostly believe that Ukraine should be a sovereign state. In all, I think Putin is a criminal anyway.
The Rus is actually was a medieval state, existed in the medieval age, and I heard that historians said that there was no even the "Rus" actually, but the State was called by Capital title, for example, Moscow Kingdom, or Kyiv Dukedom. But in 19 century, a historian Sergei Solovyev has called the Kyiv Dukedom as "Kyivan Rus" because Russian people had "Russky" language, and they wanted to find the mythical state "Rus". And the name "Kyivan Rus", coined by Sergey Solovyev, became later very popular among writers and poets, and nowadays many ordinary people even would believe that there was a real state "Kyivan Rus" from where comes "Russky" language and "Russky" people (I read that in Wikipedia about the historian Sergei Solovyev in Russian language). But I don't know, maybe the maritime tradition is allowed to call the ship the same as "Russky" language, but I think it's a bit wrong if to be certain. Russian army called "Rossiyskaya" and the same should be calling a ship, I suppose, "Rossiyskiy korabl".

The same if British His Majesty ship to call "English ship". So, I need to know exactly the maritime tradition about calling to say precisely. Maybe there be even a double fake because for Russian government was maybe useful too to show that Ukrainian soldiers hate "Russky" ethnicity that comrises 60% of people of Crimea?

In the time of the massacre, we should double check every information to find truth.

Friday, December 16, 2022

I read the NEWSWEEK's article about Henry Kissinger's point of view

Link to the article

Jackson, J, December 16, 2022 Russia Suffering Crippling Loss in Ukraine Threatens World Order: Kissinger? Newsweek

My opinion after reading the article

I read the NEWSWEEK's article about Henry Kissinger's point of view. I understand that the current Ukrainian mainstream is highly opposing such negotiations with giving up of any concerned territories. I have no my own opinion yet on the matter. I am afraid of the neo-Stalinism and GULAG restored inside Russia.

Monday, December 5, 2022

(In Russian) Как определить фашиста?

Ян-Вернер Мюллер 30.11.2022 Как определить фашиста? IPG – Международная политика и общество

Ян-Вернер Мюллер. Как определить фашиста?

Friday, December 2, 2022

In Russian. Юрий Лотман. Образ интеллигента

Начал слушать вчера эту лекцию, но недослушал, потому что как-то быстро наступила ночь. Для меня было интересно то, что в лекции я услышал слово толерантность. Юрий Лотман говорит, что толерантность -- это был новый мир, новая мысль, которую несли философы конца 18 -- начала 19 века. А в России, в Москве, -- это слово стало модным среди интеллигентов в конце 20 века. Получается опоздание на два века. Такие у меня смутные соображения роятся в голове, которые я сам не очень понимаю, но решил вот их нанести в электронном журнале, потому что у меня амбициозные планы на писательское ремесло, и я всем говорю в Твиттере, что я поэт.

Лотман 3-03 Образ интеллигента. YouTube

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Bathtubbulletin Com. Albert Camus on Democracy

I read today about Albert Camus

Albert Camus on Democracy: “Democracy is not the law of the majority but the protection of the minority.” — Albert Camus Albert Camus (November 7, 1913 – January 4, 1960) was a French philosopher, author, and journalist. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature at the age of 44 in 1957, the second-youngest recipient in history.

Monday, October 24, 2022


Lament by Dylan Thomas

I watched the poetry Lament by Dylan Thomas to learn better English pronunciation. I made additional marks in the poetry in brackets to better listen to the Dylan Thomas's audio record of the Lament because I heard the words or it seemed to me I heard them.

Warning! Dylan Thomas poetry is cited only for education purpose. I have no copyright to publish the poetry.


When I was a windy boy and a bit
And the black spit of the chapel fold,
(Sighed the old ram rod, dying of women),
I tiptoed shy in the gooseberry wood,
The rude owl cried like a tell-tale tit,
I skipped in a blush as the big girls rolled
Nine-pin down on the [-] donkey's common,
And on seesaw sunday nights I wooed
Whoever I would with my wicked eyes,
The whole of the moon I could love and leave
All the green leaved little weddings' wives
In the coal black bush and let them grieve.

When I was a gusty man and a half
And the black beast of the beetles' pews
(Sighed the old ram rod, dying of bitches),
Not a boy and a bit in the wick-
Dipping moon and drunk as a new dropped calf,
I whistled all night in the twisted flues,
Midwives grew in the midnight ditches,
And the sizzling beds [sheets] of the town cried, Quick!-
Wherever [Whenever] I dove in a breast high shoal,
Wherever I ramped in the clover quilts,
Whatsoever I did in the coal-
Black night, I left my quivering prints.

When I was a man you could call a man
And the black cross of the holy house,
(Sighed the old ram rod, dying of welcome),
Brandy and ripe in my bright, bass prime,
No springtailed tom in the red hot town
With evary [every] simmering woman his mouse
But a hillocky bull in the swelter
Of summer come in his great good time
To the sultry, biding herds, I said,
Oh, time enough when the blood creeps [runs] cold,
And I lie down but to sleep in bed,
For my sulking, skulking, coal black soul!

When I was a [-] half of [-] the man I was
And serve me right as the preachers warn,
(Sighed the old ram rod, dying of downfall),
No flailing calf or cat in a flame
Or hickory bull in milky grass
But a black sheep with a crumpled horn,
At last to [-] the soul from its foul mousehole
Slunk pouting out when the limp time came;
And I gave my soul a blind, slashed eye,
Gristle and rind, and a roarers' life,
And I shoved it into the coal black sky
To find a woman's soul for a wife.

Now I am a man no more no more
And the [a] black reward for a roaring life,
(Sighed the old ram rod, dying of strangers),
Tidy and cursed in my dove cooed room
I lie down thin and hear the good bells jaw –
For, oh, my soul found a sunday wife
In the coal black sky and she bore angels!
Harpies around me out of her womb!
Chastity prays for me, piety sings,
Innocence sweetens my last black breath,
Modesty hides my thighs in her wings,
And all the deadly virtues plague my death!

Reference ↓

Lament by Dylan Thomas, Reading His Complete Recorded Poetry, 2012 YouTube Music, https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=zgA5_gnplOg

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Meaning of Lament by Dylan Thomas

I was searching today for a meaning of Lament by Dylan Thomas and found the huge PDF work on the EA Journals (Dylan Thomas's "Lament": A Poet of Human Reality. EA Journals. https://www.eajournals.org/journals/european-journal-of-english-language-and-literature-studies-ejells/vol-8-issue-7-october-2020/dylan-thomass-lament-a-poet-of-human-reality/). But my English is so weak, that I decided to read that sometime later. So long PDF! All words here are academical, that I cannot understand that without any online dictionary!

Saturday, October 15, 2022


Heller, N., Stites, T., Welsh, B. May 22, 2007. U.S hands out vast sums of money while ignoring human rights records. Post-9/11 U.S. military aid and assistance had a huge impact in nations around the world — and at home. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists https://www.icij.org/investigations/collateraldamage/us-hands-out-vast-sums-money-while-ignoring-human-rights-records/

I searched for collateral damage in Ukraine regarding Russia, but Google search found the article critical towards US. Then I decided to share this here just in case. When I have time I will read that. The English in the article is very academical, lots of words that I don't know, so it will take time, because my English is only on intermediate level.

Thursday, September 15, 2022


I think I am learning English very slow and as far as becoming lazy, I hardly believe I can succeed in the learning English, so then it may be better for me to write just a short poetry instead a long and hard and wordy prose? For example, I can invent a short poem "Harry Potter soldier".


Harry Potter was a good boy,
And he served in army,
On the D-Day Harry was a hero,
He killed German invaders in the Channel.

But his dream was to be just a magician,
To fight witchcraft and help dogs and cats,
Also, Harry loved to fly on the broom
And drink Lipton tea in the shade of garden.

When the World War Two had ended,
Harry Potter travelled to Tehran
To meet with Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Stalin
To discuss the future of Germany.

Harry Potter has thought the Tehran talks were a boring thing,
Listening absent-mindedly to the conversation on the balcony,
And watching a cat below in garden catching sparrows,
And a camel train far away, far away in the desert.
Sept 15, 2022

How do you think, it's good poetry or just a rubbish? If about me, I think it's sort of interesting rubbish, and if you ask me, I would never read the poetry like that. I would better watch some drama on Netflix. But I had to write just something in order you stop teasing me that I said about myself very great while had written nothing at all.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

UN Meeting August 23, 2022 (in Russian). Заседание Совета Безопасности ООН по ситуации на Запорожской АЭС

Golos Ameriki August 23, 2022, YouTube. Live: Заседание Совета Безопасности ООН по ситуации на Запорожской АЭС

Friday, August 26, 2022

CNN August 11, 2022. CNN insists in their visual investigation that Olenivka POW Camp wasn't hit with American HIMARS rocket system

CNN insists in their visual investigation that Olenivka POW Camp wasn't hit with American HIMARS rocket system. I read the article by CNN, but I have the lack of the professional military skill to assess the report is it true or not. But that what we have when we try to understand the hell where we live in -- we try to learn and understand. I know right only one thing that Russian state-run news and the American CNN say different interpretations about it.

(CNN August 11, 2022. Russia claims Ukraine used US arms to kill jailed POWs. Evidence tells a different story. https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2022/08/europe/olenivka-donetsk-prison-attack/index.html)

Online Link:

CNN August 11, 2022. Russia claims Ukraine used US arms to kill jailed POWs. Evidence tells a different story.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

CNN Aug 20, 2022. New satellite images debunk Putin's claim about nuclear plant

CNN says in the report that Russia provoked the danger of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

CNN Aug 20, 2022. New satellite images debunk Putin's claim about nuclear plant

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Paddock in Mackbeth means a toad

There was a puzzle for me when I started to read just first lines in the Shakespaer's Mackbeth when the withches are speaking in the Act 1, Scene 1. What is Graymalkin and Paddock?
And now just found on the web that when the withches are calling Graymalkin, that means archaic term for a cat (Grimalkin, Wikipedia), and Paddock means a toad, because the word Paddock has two meanings, first, an enclosure for cattle, and second, a toad, from Old Norse padda, a toad, a frog (Douglas Harper Etymonline https://www.etymonline.com/word/paddock).
So, the Shakespear's withches are calling here unclean spirits, a cat (Graymalkin) and a toad (Paddock), as I have found also on the web on Shakespeare Online (Mabillard, Amanda. Macbeth Glossary. Shakespeare Online. 20 Aug. 2009. http://shakespeare-online.com/plays/macbeth/macbethglossary/macbeth1_1/macbethglos_graymalkin.html).

Thomas Barker of Bath. Macbeth and the Witches. 1830. Wikimedia Commons

Translated short Shakespeare' soliloquy into Russian

Речь Макбета из пьесы Уильяма Шекспира

Завтра, Завтра, Завтра...
Крадутся понемногу, нам обещая Завтра
Прочесть страницы нашей жизни, и превращаются в Вчера,
Которые Вчера для дурака нашли дорогу на погост.
Погасни свет копеечной свечи, сгоревшей за минуту!
И жизнь, словно театр теней смешной и глупый,
Где силуэт мелькает, пляшет и трясётся в полумраке,
В стремлении упрямом доиграть спектакль,
Чтобы заткнуть свой рот в финале. Это сказка,
Рассказанная идиотом, где много шума и эмоций,
Но смысла нет.
3 августа 2022

Buchel, Charles A.; Herbert Beerbohm Tree (1852-1917), as Macbeth in 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare; Theatre Collection. Wikimedia Commons

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Associated Press. July 04, 2022. 1972 'Napalm Girl' Escorts Ukraine Refugees to Canada

I read about the well-known Vietnam photograph that the "Napalm girl" helped to refugees.

Associated Press July 04, 2022. 1972 'Napalm Girl' Escorts Ukraine Refugees to Canada. https://www.voanews.com/a/napalm-girl-escorts-ukraine-refugees-to-canada-/6645002.html

My comment after reading the article -- for me it was a surprise, because I thought the Vietnamese children on the photograph were unknown and, I thought, they, probably, died from the wounds of war. I am glad the girl has survived the war in Vietnam and now she was helping other refugees to survive.

Friday, June 24, 2022

CNN: The Kremlin says massacre of Bucha is fake.

CNN: The Kremlin has denied any involvement in the mass killings while reiterating baseless claims that the images of civilian bodies on the streets of Bucha are fake (Hande Atay Alam, April 28, 2022. More than 1,000 civilian bodies recovered in Kyiv region since Russia's invasion started, police chief says. CNN. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-04-28-22/h_887f67988be6ae4e4276f4ec4998b906).

My comment: I have recently listened to the same Russian denial of atrocities when Russian spokeperson Maria Zakharova gave a press-conferrences on Saint-Petersburg Economic Forum (Комсомольская Правда, Streamed live on Jun 16, 2022. (in Russian) Мария Захарова рассказывает о фейках на ПМЭФ 2022: прямая трансляция. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZkknKC2E0w). So, all the World has to understand, when the Russian government had said that all the 2022 murders in Bucha and around the Kyiv were fake, why Russian people understood the 'Special Operation' as good thing, sorta liberation and protection of the people living in the eastern territories of Ukraine from nazi.

While I have not believed Maria Zakharova, but I do not represent usual Russian people, because I know English while other Russian are not, and Russian people badly and rare use the Internet, and in main get the information from Russian TV, president Vladimir Putin, and Maria Zakharova.

All the World has to speak clearly to Vladimir Putin about the evidences of the Bucha murders, force Vladimir Putin clearly explain why he thinks it's a fake. And the World has to force Vladimir Putin publish all the facts about the Bucha and other murders in Russian language in Russian newspapers and TV, because Vladimir Putin has no right to deprive Russian people of the true information. While I understand I say naive thing but I have to search a solution how stop the Ukrainian bloodshed, so, maybe, I believe that can help. June 24, 2022

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Hans Fallada and literature in Nazi Germany (draft).

Hans Fallada and my chasing of a goos writer.

Hans Fallada was a German who had difficult childhood. After a dramatic accident, when he had tried to kill himself and kill his friend, he decided somehow to write srories. Who were his idols of literature, who inspired him to be a writer? They were heroes of fairy tales, "Hans in Luck" and Falada horse from fairy tale "The Goose Girl". Hans Fallada invented his pen name by combining Hans from the "Hans in Luck" and the Falada horse. While I say who were idols, I mean a humor, because you cannot say that just on the event of inventing pen name. The fairy tales were collected by the Brothers Grimm. The tales were of german origin, so we can suppose was Hans Fallada a national patriot? In all, I say a lot of humor, but we don't know yet, was he something or other on the evidence of his pen name. But I think he was a national patriot yet, because he loved German folklore.

Hans Fallada and reality in my life.

Animated series Well, Just You Wait!. Postage stamp. Wikimedia Commons.

All the recent time, when I thought about exploring the idea to write about Hans Fallada on the Google Blogger, I was noticing that something was happening around me. I live in Russia and on February 24, 2022 here was announced the Special Military Operation (Kommersant, February 24, 2022. In Russian. Что происходило после ввода войск России на Украину 24 февраля). The Russian state-run television call the Ukrainian Forces as "nationalists". That is a push for me to think was Hans Fallada a nationalist too? Or he was only a kid, who loved the fairy tales, as once all kids were when they were kids. For example, I loved Soviet cartoon television series about Wolf and Hare, so maybe I was a Soviet patriot, because the cartoons were a Soviet art without any national shadows? The Wolf was a hooligan of unknown ethnicity, the same was the brave Hare, chased by the Wolf. But they speak Russian!.. So, now I guess, the Wolf and Hare were Russian, they speak with Moscow accent. But I am not sure, yet, they were born in Moscow, or they were from Caucasus? Maybe they were Cherkassian origin or Jewish. That what I meant when said that they were probably of Soviet origin, because we culd not trace their precise ancestry, were they of Jewish, or Armenian, or Slavonic ancestry? But that a huge problem, because now all we should know, who is a Ukrainian nationalist, and who is a Russian, because the Russian Kremlin television diveded all the World in the good Russian soldiers-liberaters and the criminal Ukrainian nationalists, who during eight years were bombing Donbass.

Hans Fallada and my research in him.

Then I will research the question about nationalist features in Hans Fallada, and try to compare that with me and my time. I should start to look first on the stories "Hans in Luck" and "The Goose Girl"... (two weeks later) I found the Brother Grimm's fairy tales on YouTube, there I watched cartoon about the Hans in Luck and The Goose Girl. The stories were usual folklore, but we have no similar in Russia with such brutality when Fallada horse was killed, it's a bit alien, and when dead horse's head started to speak, it's also strange and against animal rights. But anyway, Russian have similar terrible fairy tales, for example, we have the tale about a cow killed, that cow was a best friend ever of the little girl Kroshechka-Khavroshechka, but greedy people killed the cow. It's so terrible Russian fairy tale, called 'Kroshechka-Khavroshechka' (the girl's name meaning in Russian something about 'The Little Girl', see Wikipeida (in Russian) 'Крошечка-Хаврошечка (мультфильм, 2007)'). I wonder how Russian peasants were so not merciful to compose such a brutal story, but it exists somehow and it looks very old and popular among Russian.

The second fairy tale, The Hans In Luck' is about a fool, his foolness makes him joyful, because he doesn't understand the seriousness of material life.

And the tale about the Goose Girl is about a princess, it looks alien a bit, but at the same time it has similarity with the fairy tale by Alexander Puskin, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, and other tale by Alexander Pushkin, The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights. So, I have suspicion about Alexander Puskin was he a German spy? That is of my humour. So, nothing interesting, all that is a usual folklore, the Goose Girl is a Princess, her horse Falada was killed for sousages, but the Goose Princess asked to cut the horse head and attached that to the wall near gate, because she loved the horse, and when the Goose Princess convoyed the goose team, the Falada said to her: It is a true Princess! Looks anyway a bit a strange. But all the folklore in the Europe was like that: there all people were not vegans. Russian folklore retold by Alexander Pushkin is the same: the Princess is dead, but, in fact, she was sleeping, I heard the same story, but that was by Brothers Grimm. Alexander Pushkin may have hired the Brothers Grimm's story? Or there were just the same tales.

Alexander Pushkin lived in Saint Petersburg, it's on the Baltic sea, and it's very near Germany, so they had similar folklore. I can guess, that all the poets, Alexander Pushkin and Brothers Grimm, knew something about anti-Semitism, but we cannot still accuse them in the pogroms. It was mainly the Roman Catholic Church that persecuted the Jews.

Also the local peasants, I believe they were xenophobes, I watched, for example, a Polish movie Aftermath (Wikipedia, Aftermath (2012 film)). So, I believe, Russian peasants (not only Polish) were also anti-Semit people, so the peasants were maybe composing a bit xenophobic fairy tales. But anyway, I just try to compose some crime done by Brothers Grimm and Alexander Pushkin, so it looks not very serios thing for me to do...

By the way, I heard in the Russian Monastery, where I was baptized, and worked two weeks as a pilgrim, a story about the Alexander Pushkin, that he was a wrong Russian, because he was from African descent. I suppose a monk, who told me about bad African descent was angry towards Alexander Pushkin, because he wrote the fairy tale The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda, where he diminished the Pope. So, I am afraid my novel becomes too long and I decided to end that with the main conclusion: Hans Fallada and Alexander Pushkin had many similarities, they were reading similar fairy tales. And we can suppose that Hans Fallada was a Russian poet, while Alexander Pushkin was a German novellist. All the World was mixed up, and then Adolf Hitler appeared in Saint Petersburg, while the Russian Emperor Pyotr the First happened in Nazi Germany. I was caught with the chaotic time. And then I met some day a strange person, whose name was Hans Pushkin.

June 14, 2022

Dub Pistols feat. Rhoda Dakar - Stand Together (live at Freedom Sounds F...

Dec 18, 2024 Was listening music