CNN: The Kremlin has denied any involvement in the mass killings while reiterating baseless claims that the images of civilian bodies on the streets of Bucha are fake (Hande Atay Alam, April 28, 2022. More than 1,000 civilian bodies recovered in Kyiv region since Russia's invasion started, police chief says. CNN.
My comment: I have recently listened to the same Russian denial of atrocities when Russian spokeperson Maria Zakharova gave a press-conferrences on Saint-Petersburg Economic Forum (Комсомольская Правда, Streamed live on Jun 16, 2022. (in Russian) Мария Захарова рассказывает о фейках на ПМЭФ 2022: прямая трансляция. YouTube. So, all the World has to understand, when the Russian government had said that all the 2022 murders in Bucha and around the Kyiv were fake, why Russian people understood the 'Special Operation' as good thing, sorta liberation and protection of the people living in the eastern territories of Ukraine from nazi.
While I have not believed Maria Zakharova, but I do not represent usual Russian people, because I know English while other Russian are not, and Russian people badly and rare use the Internet, and in main get the information from Russian TV, president Vladimir Putin, and Maria Zakharova.
All the World has to speak clearly to Vladimir Putin about the evidences of the Bucha murders, force Vladimir Putin clearly explain why he thinks it's a fake. And the World has to force Vladimir Putin publish all the facts about the Bucha and other murders in Russian language in Russian newspapers and TV, because Vladimir Putin has no right to deprive Russian people of the true information. While I understand I say naive thing but I have to search a solution how stop the Ukrainian bloodshed, so, maybe, I believe that can help. June 24, 2022
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