What is difference between "Russky korabl" (Русский корабль) and "Rossiyskiy korabl" (Российский корабль) in Russian language?
I have a little bit of a doubt that the record is real because I would wait from Russian ship commander a calling: "Rossiysky korabl", not "Russky korabl". There is Russian language, Russian literature, Russian poetry, but there is no of Russian ship or "Russky" ship, only "Rossiysky", isn't it? Russian army is called "Rossiyskaya Army" because Russian state in Russian is called "Rossiya", not a "Rus". So there is no "Russky korabl". But I don't know exactly tradition in the maritime calling, so maybe it was actually "Russky Korabl" or maybe not? In all, just in case I have written here that it may be a fake done by a Ukrainian film studio.
But despite that, I mostly believe that Ukraine should be a sovereign state. In all, I think Putin is a criminal anyway.
The Rus is actually was a medieval state, existed in the medieval age, and I heard that historians said that there was no even the "Rus" actually, but the State was called by Capital title, for example, Moscow Kingdom, or Kyiv Dukedom. But in 19 century, a historian Sergei Solovyev has called the Kyiv Dukedom as "Kyivan Rus" because Russian people had "Russky" language, and they wanted to find the mythical state "Rus". And the name "Kyivan Rus", coined by Sergey Solovyev, became later very popular among writers and poets, and nowadays many ordinary people even would believe that there was a real state "Kyivan Rus" from where comes "Russky" language and "Russky" people (I read that in Wikipedia about the historian Sergei Solovyev in Russian language). But I don't know, maybe the maritime tradition is allowed to call the ship the same as "Russky" language, but I think it's a bit wrong if to be certain. Russian army called "Rossiyskaya" and the same should be calling a ship, I suppose, "Rossiyskiy korabl".
The same if British His Majesty ship to call "English ship". So, I need to know exactly the maritime tradition about calling to say precisely. Maybe there be even a double fake because for Russian government was maybe useful too to show that Ukrainian soldiers hate "Russky" ethnicity that comrises 60% of people of Crimea?
In the time of the massacre, we should double check every information to find truth.
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