Monday, April 6, 2020


I prepared my breakfast myself while being in all-Russia quarantine. This is I am with coffee Jacobs on photo. I feel good more or less.
But I started to use anti-asthma inhaler Salbutamol and expectorant (also with Salbutamol) sometimes after I had had very strong fever in this February. The fever looked like COVID-19 if to compare symptoms, but without test I cannot say 100% this was COVID yet.
Also officially Russian government said here was no this virus in February (on February 27 I felt difficulty with breathing).
I got certainly some sort of bronchitis or asthma, was seen by local therapist on home on March 20, the therapist measured my blood pressure, temperature, said all it's good, may drink medical grasses like Tussilago or Matricaria.
I had seizures of asthma actually about 15 years ago last time, but then I gave up smoking, started eating less sugar and fat, and I was very good till this February.
Photographs: Russia. Kaluga Region. Town of Sukhinichi. Me getting coffee. April 6, 2020

I am with coffee Jacobs

I am near lamppost :)

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Oh! dream of joy! is this indeed

The light-house top I see?

Is this the hill? is this the kirk?

Is this mine own countree?

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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