Tuesday, April 2, 2024

March 2, 2024. Have reread today Russian literature's criticism of 20 century.

I have noticed that started to mix up Russian poet's names. There is also a problem all the world has around got crazy. I gave up reading of literature because I have no time. So, I have started to reread a bit what I had read before. I have read today comments on the Ruthenia website about poet Osip Mandelstam (О. Лекманов, М. Котова, О. Репина, А. Сергеева-Клятис, С. Синельников «Египетская марка» Осипа Мандельштама: пояснения для читателя https://ruthenia.ru/document/550679.html).
This is also good online book of comments on the Ruthenia about «Египетская марка» -- О. Лекманов, М. Котова, О. Репина, А. Сергеева-Клятис, С. Синельников. «Египетская марка» Осипа Мандельштама: пояснения для читателя. https://ruthenia.ru/document/550838.html

Laurence Olivier's soliloquy of Richard III

[Act I, Scene 1 London. A street.] Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York; And...