Sunday, December 31, 2023

UN December 30, 2023 Threats to international peace and security - Security Council, 9524th meeting

UN December 30, 2023 Threats to international peace and security - Security Council, 9524th meeting https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1b/k1blaghh5x?_gl=1*19dr6pn*_ga*Njc2OTk0NTA0LjE3MDQwMzYwMzg.*_ga_S5EKZKSB78*MTcwNDAzOTQ0NS4yLjEuMTcwNDAzOTUzMi4zMy4wLjA.*_ga_TK9BQL5X7Z*MTcwNDAzOTQ0NS4yLjAuMTcwNDAzOTQ0NS4wLjAuMA..

The United Nations Security Council holds emergency meeting on December 30, 2023 attacks in Belgorod, Russia. Watch video on the UN website

Friday, October 13, 2023


I started to listen to the Edgar Poe's Raven, then I felt so sorry all about my life, general chaos on the planet, war, and the end of summer, so I stopped and decided to go out for a evening walk while the automnal weather is still warm and sunny today. English may wait for a bit. Edgar Alan Poe, Raven https://youtu.be/ACUxJ6fq2IY?feature=shared

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


You can't equate people with disabilities to dogs. Disabled people do not need shelters and free vaccinations. Disabled people must be fully integrated into society: the right to housing, decent work and an eight-hour work day, the right to a family, the right to participate in elections, the right to stand for government positions in elections, the right to medical care, the right to freely express their thoughts, the right to religion, the right to one's own views on political life.

Saturday, July 8, 2023


Introduction. My new initiative to write a nonfiction draft "My Life Without Ukraine"

My new initiative is to write the nonfiction "My Life Without Ukraine" because people who are living now inside Russia forced not to mention the word "Ukraine". The people are forced even to avoid to hint somehow about Ukraine, for example, there was registered an arrest of a person who accidently wore blue and yellow sneakers (the blue and yellow colors are colors of Ukrainian flag). The person was shopping in Moscow on March 6, 2022, and there on the same street was a demonstration, so the police arrested the passer-by because they saw his blue and yellow shoes (Xander Landen May 22, 2022). So, I decided to write the nonfiction (draft so far) here where I will write about my life except everything that may be associated with Ukraine in order to avoid arrest.

My Life Without Ukraine (nonfiction)

Part 1. Elena Milashina against Ramzan Kadyrov

Elena Milashina was a journalist who was beaten severely on the motorway from the Grozny Airport to the downtown of the City of Grozny on July 4, 2023. She was in the City of Grozny to report about a trial in a Grozny Court (AP July 5, 2023). I have written on Twitter at once that Ramzan Kadyrov, who is the president of Chechnya, will resign soon because the journalist was beaten so terribly. Elena Milashina was also humiliated because her hair was shaved and her head painted green. I heard about similar abuse in Chechnya before. That may mean among bandits in Chechnya that if a woman without hijab considred among the bandits as a whore but if a woman had her hair shaved she was an animal that worst then a whore. So, I thought it is the end for Ramzan Kadyrov because an activist had photographed the green head of Elena Milashina and posted on the Twitter. When I had opened the Twitter on the day it was all over green as a kitchen book about salad. If Ramzan Kadyrov doesn't resign in the nearest future, the UN Human Rights Commissioner will demand Vladimir Putin to investigate that because the inhuman brutallity like this towards woman and journalist is unacceptable in 21 century.

Part 2. The crime and punishment towards Siberia by writers who didn't see indigenous people

I read long ago the novel by Dostoevsky "Crime and punishment" and noticed that Dostoevsky mentioned local indigenous people of Siberia who were living in yurts and shepherding reindeers (Dostoevsky). So, I think, Dostoevsky was very concerned about the human rights of the indigenous people of Siberia, while a number of modern critics like Dmitriy Bykov considering Dostoevsky as an anti-Semit because he became mentally ill writer after a long term in a cold Siberian prison cell forged with iron shackles. I think Dmitry Bykov right partly but if Dostoevsky was mentally ill writer (as Dmitry Bykov said) so maybe he was a multi-culturalist actually but he didn't succeed to explain clearly about that because he had the post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and I suggest, even a sort of a Tourette syndrome and the Coprolalia, so, that is why he was sometimes swearing with anti-Semitic words in his novels. I can add that Fyodor Dostoevsky's writings have a talent despite his presumable mental illness, so, if a writer is talented but mentally ill it's better than a writer who is in a good health but without a talent from the reader point of view: who will read an untalented writer even if the writer is a miraculous sportsman? Although I saw lots of such sport video bloggers on YouTube as well as kitchen, garden, travel vloggers who have a million of subscribers but this is a different kettle of fish because this is a modern video entertainment industry. Many Russian writers didn't mention indigenous people of Siberia at all. This is the crime and punishment towards Siberia by writers who didn't see indigenous people. The notable Russian writers who are exploiting indigenous people and fields of Siberia and then the same writers travelling to Italy to waste their stolen from Siberia money on the luxurious yachts and wines must be punished in future when the new, more just and free generation will call them exploiters of Siberian people.


  1. Xander Landen May 22, 2022, Man Wearing Blue, Yellow Shoes Seen as Supporting Ukraine Fined in Moscow. Newsweek https://www.newsweek.com/man-wearing-blue-yellow-shoes-seen-supporting-ukraine-fined-moscow-1700181
  2. AP July 5, 2023, Russian journalist sustained a brain injury and fractures during a brutal beating in Chechnya https://apnews.com/article/russia-chechnya-journalist-attacked-brain-injury-9244a17b49488107e942ba30c21a4eed
  3. Dostoevsky F. M. Epilogue 2, Crime and punishment "Раскольников вышел из сарая на самый берег, сел на складенные у сарая бревна и стал глядеть на широкую и пустынную реку. С высокого берега открывалась широкая окрестность. С дальнего другого берега чуть слышно доносилась песня. Там, в облитой солнцем необозримой степи, чуть приметными точками чернелись кочевые юрты. Там была свобода и жили другие люди, совсем не похожие на здешних, там как бы самое время остановилось, точно не прошли еще века Авраама и стад его. Раскольников сидел, смотрел неподвижно, не отрываясь; мысль его переходила в грезы, в созерцание; он ни о чем не думал, но какая-то тоска волновала его и мучила."

Monday, June 19, 2023

Research on 1999 Kosovo war. Short notes. June 19, 2023

Human Rights Watch. October 26, 2001, Under Orders. War crimes in Kosovo https://web.archive.org/web/20230604152945/https://www.hrw.org/report/2001/10/26/under-orders/war-crimes-kosovo

Monday, June 12, 2023


#1 Die Morina Kosovo Journalist Abused for Criticising Kumanovo Payout. Pristina. BIRN. Balkan Insight. February 1, 2018 https://balkaninsight.com/2018/02/01/kosovo-journalist-insulted-over-his-reporting-01-31-2018/#:~:text=Parim%20Olluri%2C%20a%20Kosovo%20journalist%20who%20runs%20the,families%20of%20men%20convicted%20in%20the%20%E2%80%9CKumanovo%20case%E2%80%9D.

#2 Mapping Media Fredoom (Description of the project as general). Mapping Media Freedom is managed by the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) and part of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), a Europe-wide mechanism, which tracks, monitors, and reacts to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries. MFRR provides legal support, public advocacy, and information to protect journalists and media workers (All content available on the Mapping Medea Freedom website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). Mapping Medea Freedom https://www.mappingmediafreedom.org/methodology/

#3 Mapping Medea Freedom. Kosovo https://www.mapmf.org/explorer?q=Kosovo+ (Found on the Map of Media Freedom: 67 marked cases on the maps of the attacks against journalists. It's very big number if to compare with neighbouring states, for example, Serbia has 14 cases, North Macedonia has only 1 case, Albania has 3 cases.)

#4 Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The ranking https://rsf.org/en/ranking (Description of the ranking of media freedom: Kosovo is 85th. It's good index if to compare with Albania that has 102nd place but Serbia is better with 63rd place).

# 5 An example of a registered case (during Kosovo Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti). Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Kosovar Investigative Journalist Attacked By Masked Assailants, February 25, 2021 Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/20210421024131/https://www.rferl.org/a/kosovo-investigative-journalist-violently-attacked-by-masked-assailants/31121734.html

Sunday, June 4, 2023


From English Wikipedia: Struggle sessions or denunciation rallies were violent public spectacles in Maoist China where people accused of being "class enemies" were publicly humiliated, accused, beaten and tortured by people with whom they were close.

From Chinese Wikipedia: Criticism (that is Google Translate gives translation of "Struggle sessions" as "Criticism"), in the current Chinese context, often refers to a form of political movement after the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, which reached its peak during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)... Criticism is usually carried out in groups, such as holding a criticism meeting or "struggle meeting", and the specific methods of struggle often include shaving yin and yang heads, wearing high hats, parading through the streets.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

April 7, 2023. NEW DRAFT: Adventures of Shakespeare in Russia (short cartoon stories)

I think to write a new novel, or a sci-fi story. The plot is about William Shakespeare, famous poet, who was somehow relocated from 16 century's England to modern days' Russia. And there Shakespeare has met Putin and was discussing many things, Russian cuisine, Russian music, Russian literature, Russian politics with details of the current Special Military Operation in Ukraine.
When Shakespeare has asked Putin what is the main and general reason of the operation, Putin is answering:
-I want to clean Ukraine from nazi.
- Who are nazi?
- Nazi are fascists who wanted to destroy our mother Russia.
- Who were nazi by ethnicity?
- Nazi were all the Western people: Germans, Estonians, et cetera.
- Were English people also nazi?
- Maybe they were. English have allowed Adolf Hitler occupy Chechoslovakia.
- Oh, that's so pity, - said Shakespeare.
- But You should not be afraid. While You are English citizen but I think you have a Russian soul. Let's drink vodka and watch Russian musical concert. Do you love the Russian music?

Friday, January 27, 2023


Sakharov Centre closed in Moscow

Sakharov Centre closed in Moscow. The Sakharov Centre closed also its Channel on YouTube. They opened new YouTube Channel, called @Ostraneimire (https://www.youtube.com/@Ostraneimire), but I didn't find lots of previous videos on the new channel. Just for curiousity I found the YouTube Sakharov Centre on the Internet Archive, Wayback Machine, and made screenshot as it looked in 2019 (http://web.archive.org/web/20190329005326/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC09ejntr2YAzZwVuWhpwx3g?app=desktop). Goodbye, Sakharov!

Also I copied Internet Archive, Wayback Machine of Twitter as it was in 2019 (http://web.archive.org/web/20190331061930/https://twitter.com/sakharov_talks)

Dub Pistols feat. Rhoda Dakar - Stand Together (live at Freedom Sounds F...

Dec 18, 2024 Was listening music