Saturday, June 5, 2021

June-July, 2021. Romeo and Juliet, political drama (my new draft of Hollywood screenplay).

Dramatis personae.

Lekh Escaluchinsky, President of the European Commission.

Paris Jabrinsky, Minister of Department of the Interior of United States.

Mr and Ms Monteskies, on skype from New York City.

Romeo Montesky, Minister of Agriculture Department of Poland.

Helena Semonovich, businesswoman, Romeo Montesky's former wife on skype from London, also Andrew, their 14-year-old son.

Tybald Capulesky, Deputy Minister of Coal Department of Poland.

Mr and Ms Capuleskies, on skype from Paris.

Juliet Capulesky, Prime Minister of Poland.

John Bukaresky, businessman, Juliet Capulesky's former husband on skype from Tokyo, also Ofra, their 13-year-old daughter.

Friar Laurence, businessman and Catholic priest from Verona, a captain of Coza Nostra.

Friar Ivan, whose real name is number "666-777-ru", businessman and Russian Orthodox priest, friend of Friar Laurence, a captain of Russian mafia who was paid by Gregory Rasputin to kill Romeo Montesky.

Samson, cyber-spy from China, marxist, a captain of a Triad mafia.

Gregory Rasputin, whose real name is number "666-006-ru", businessman and cyber-spy from Russia, colonel of GRU.

Abraham Kovalsky, Paris Jabrinsky's deputy, undercover United States agent sent by CIA to prevent politial assasination, real name Benjamin Shakespars.

Vladimir Lyubinsky, with nickname "Apotecary", whose Russian real name is number "666-007-ru", Russian and Polish spy, who has order to assassinate Juliet and Romeo.

Three street musicians from Somali, illegally living in Italy, seeking EU refuge.

Angela Senkevich, "Nurse", Polish Security Service senior officer, Juliet Capulesky's guard.

Peter, Polish Security Service senior officer, Juliet Capulesky's second guard.

CNN presenter.

Balthasar Chomsky, CNN correspondent in Italy.

Citizens of Verona: folk, soldiers of Coza Nostra, mafia from Nigeria of illegal Mediterranean traffic, maskers, guards, watchman, attendants.

The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, political drama.


Enter CNN presenter with news wrap-up about economic crisis in Poland.

There were two noble families in marry Poland, one was Catholic Monteskies, other Jewish Capuleskies,
Both very rich, but Monteskies were with native Polish nose, while Capuleskies were not.
Both were involved in selling arms for Africa and real estate corruption,
Monteskies held banking and transportation business, House of Capuleskies have been digging diamonds in Angola
And selling arms for Africa too, because arms sales were only benefitial business in the era of pandemic.
The year when Britain left EU, Roman Catholic Romeo Montesky
Has been set to be the minister of agriculture to boost economy after pandemic drop.
Nobody knows how Polish prime minister Juliet of Capulesky happened to meet Romeo,
Our correspondents soon report at the CNN two-hours special edition all details to satisfy your questions about it.


Act 1.

Scene 1. Where Romeo visiting Verona, where set the EU Annual Economical Meeting.

Romeo with his deputies, Mercutio and Benvolio, enter a street cafe.

The sloppy Brexit situation changed our taxes and cattle trade was in chaos...
Mercutio, where is my Android? Looks I left my cell in car...


Sitting up to table with coffee.

Or you forgot your phone in Friar Lawrence's cell,
Where you confessed about your involvement in the illegal arms sales for Damascus...
Look, there our staff from coal ministry on the corner,
The people are terrible, they all belong to the People Party and believe in QAnon...

Romeo, did you hear Russian government demanded all their citizen had numbers instead their human names,

So, the people from Russia go everywhere with Android phone instead passport to scan on every corner by hidden cameras.

And, while they still call each other by human names like Ivan or Vladimir, their real names are numbers, it was shamefull and unhuman act of Russian authoritarian government.

I never would agree to have a number instead my name, because John prophet said who took the number, they would be burnt in Hell alive...

In modern era after Holocaust, cannot even joke what would happen if I be burnt like coal in stove,

So, the Russian story goes just as a stark shamefull story without any decoration of my witty humour in addition...

Tybald Capulesky, the official from the Polish Coal Departmnent, is getting coffee on street's next corner with his colleagues. They are also attending the EU Economical meeting. They are seeing Romeo and heading towards him.


Good to see all the best people of Poland, can't help stopping myself from saluting to our counterparts from our great Food Departmnent!..

While Tybald Capulesky coming towards Romeo and Mercutio, Friar Ivan coming to Tybald and hit him with poisoned knife.

Friar Ivan:

Romeo, you must die, dirty Polish economist!


Falling with bleeding.

I am not Romeo, I am Tybald Capulesky, from Coal Department...

Friar Ivan:

Watching out about around.

So, I've got mistake, woe to me!.. But Gregory put finger at you... or at someone else around you?


Getting out of table and sheltering Romeo.

Dirty murderer, you find me? I'm Romeo, Polish minister, who had paid you, dirty mobster, to kill me?



Act 2. Verona's EU annual economic meeiting.


Scene 2. Enter Mercutio with his agriculture project for review by Romeo.


What do you think should be the story's end?


As we all talk only in postmodernist style nowadays, I am obliged to start my speech about serious topic from the end. So, all the things as appearance of human kind and the Milky Way gone to the end, and after the Milky Way Galaxy collapsed after huge meeting with Andromeda Galaxy, there new Galaxy appeared in the space instead the late Milky Way, composing from the broken parts of both Milky Way and the late Andromeda, and problem was that, that we don't know what was name of the newly born Galaxy, because all the humankind was disappeared during the collapse, so we had no good astronomer who could invent the new title. But for a joke, we can suppose that the title of the new Galaxy was sort of "the Milkomeda", alluding to the broken Galaxies that blew up in the huge sort of big bang. I suppose also the big bang was not so big, as it was before in other big bang that was found by Albert Einstein. In all, in the end of the essay, we have the Milkomeda Galaxy, it is daughter of the Milky Way and Andromeda. The story about the Milkomeda was read by me actually in the Wikipedia, so if you thought that my story was a silly fantasy, you were wrong, because my story was a true sci-fi...


Stop kidding me, I ask what should be the end of the trade disruption with United Kingdom?


We lose 5 million euros with cattle export and 10 million with wheat.


May we reduce the British import of sausages and beer to save our farmers?


The same asked me the senator Tybald Capulesky from the People Party. It's just a popular idea that limitation of market would be succesful tool to boost economy, but all the like could only cause inflation.


Did you see Juliet Capulesky yesterday? She won't stop her ambitious plan to spend all budget on African vegetables? Polish nationalists may set uprising because they didn't care about prime-minister's high intellectual soul to save Africa from mmalaria.


No, why, Juliet may be a new EU president soon, all my friends in high place say she is a Polish's hope for new European future.


But her office was bought by Mr. Capulesky, the same as mine! She has to think how explore new diamonds' fields in Angola instead inventing all the climate change's fantasies!


Scene 4. Mercutio arguing about his project with Romeo. Enter Benvolio and Juliet.


Do You really believe in Christ? How astranauts did not find Him, if He existed?


When the God created the all the galaxy, there were no light at all, all was waiting for Albert Einstein, then the philosopher invented the Big Bang that generated lots of radiation, that pierced our childish imagination. So, of course I start joking, so you guess, this is another end of my speech, because I sweared before to speak only truth and only truth. So, if I say true, there was a dark space, and there was no light, there was also lots of water, I read about it in the Holly Bible. The almighty god created the dark world, and maybe there was no time obviously, so if you ask me, who created the god, my answear is that: how may someone create something, if there is no time? Try to create something during no time, you see it's impossible. So there was no time, and the god created the time, and the dark world, where you are now living and watching your clock on the wall of your simple mind and asking me silly question: who created the god? It's impossible to create something, if you have no time. So, it was the endless world where were no clocks nailed on the walls decorated by the red bricks wallpaper or surrealistic paint. For a human being that belongs to the time space it's impossuble to understand the worls where no time. You have to think that the time is money, othewise your environment would say you was a little wrong in the upper storey.
So, this goes the prophesy: you cannot find god if you busy with making money, also a prophet said people would get their number of the beast on the right hand in the Auschwitz concentration camp, the number meant a new human name instead what parents called them, because dirty fascists were very punctual individuals who wanted to put everything in order to count how many people of non-master race they put in the gas chambers. Hitler said about it: The year 1941 will be, I am convinced, the historical year of a great European New Order!".
Now, look what happened in present-day authoritarian Russa. So, probably, the nazi regime was the first country that decided to give people personal numbers instead human names, and modern regimes that tried to arrange their citizens with Android phones and personal identification numbers weren't first who invented the numbers to use instead names. Maybe you think the new numerical order needs just for our good, but I don't like the idea. So, they have been everyone arranged with ID numbers in Russia, written in their passports instead, or to addition, to human names, because, with the beast numbers, Russian government can easy count people to save poor people from terrorists, as it was said in governmental media. (Actually, why I have told that state Russian mass media said about it, I told that because I have imagined in my mind what they say if I ask them about it, the same time I tried to recall something like that, a sort of a press conferrence or TV talk show, or a column in Russian state affiliated newspapers, I found that couldn't recall any events like that where government said about it or explained any benefits why they installed the new numerical order on their people, so, the mass media have never said it, because Russian people even didn't discuss that numerical innovation, probably (if the event did have place anytime before, please, show me and I redress my mistake about it), because the government just decided that it would be better to give to people their personal numbers in silence to avoid unwanted criticism from world human rights organizations or United Nations' Rights Committee. They don't want to discuss that publicly and don't care about their citizens' negative opinion about the reform of their ID. But I guessed that if I had opportunity to ask Russian government about it, that would answear that the ID reform was needed for Russian people own good to save the people from terrorists)... Russia is apocalyptic place and everything is topsy-turvy in our atheistic World. The World doesn't care what happens in Siberia camp where Joseph Stalin would slaughter one million more.

Lavrinoff, V.
June, 2021

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