Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Sept 11, 2019. SEE MY NEW ABSTRACTS :)

I learned 'SVG' on W3Schools website and painted the abstract images with 'Inkscape' app (Inkscape is free to download).

Creating SVG Images

SVG images can be created with any text editor, but it is often more convenient to create SVG images with a drawing program, like Inkscape.

SVG Tutorial https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_intro.asp



nautilus image/svg+xml nautilus

Lots of ink

nautilus image/svg+xml nautilus


nautilus image/svg+xml nautilus RADF HELLO!!

Color of rectangle #1

nautilus image/svg+xml nautilus

Color of rectangle #2

nautilus image/svg+xml nautilus

Color of rectangle #3

nautilus image/svg+xml nautilus

Laurence Olivier's soliloquy of Richard III

[Act I, Scene 1 London. A street.] Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of York; And...